David Zigmond
"If you want good personal healthcare - see a vet."Welcome
I’ve had a working lifetime dealing with all kinds of illness and anguish. This led me to realise, increasingly, that ‘fixing’ problems can address only a small part of our human travails. So it is that as our technology is able to fix more and more, we are faced – ever-more starkly and inescapably – with underlying questions. These are eternal and universal: Why do we suffer? And how do we heal? Then, inseparably, comes a third question: Beyond our mechanisms, what is it to be human? Our modern healthcare, now so preoccupied with controlling and fixing, is often blind-sided from these questions.
This website offers respite – a selection of books, videos and articles to explore this human hinterland. Although the base of departure is often from healthcare, the venturing paths then lead to many other and wider perspectives: the nature of our contact and understanding with others; the conflict and balance between our individual and group mindsets, experiences and interests; what are our different kinds of knowledge?
Interested in more? You can find a larger, chronologised collection of similar material on the Archive Site.
David Zigmond discusses his book Humanity’s Conundrum with Simon Duffy, Director of Citizen Network. January 2022. 51 minutes.
David Zigmond in conversation with Dr William House , Chair of the British Holistic Medical Association at the book launch of David’s anthology If You Want Good Personal Healthcare, See a Vet. October 2015. 2 minutes.
For more information and for the longer version go to : www.bhma.org
About David Zigmond
David Zigmond initially trained in Medicine in the 1960s. From this he developed a lifetime interest in the often dislocated but creative tension between art and science in understanding ourselves, one another and any effort to be ‘helpful’.
His explorations have led to a crystallisation of humanistic and person-centred approaches to understanding (medically, ‘diagnosis’), and influence (medically, ‘treatment’).
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